Doing what is right, not what is convenient. When we work with
integrity, we inspire trust; this makes our conditioning or value system acceptable & less
fearsome to others...
Satya (truth): The actual term in yoga sutras is satya or truth
but this aspect is being expanded to a more easily implementable position
called integrity because it is more appropriate in today’s context. Also, truth
in the world of illusion is difficult to define and easy to deflect. Hence,
integrity has been substituted.
In the context of Situational Awareness, integrity is not about
honesty alone; it is about aligning ones’ behavior with conditioning, willingness
to sacrifice one immediate goals for the needs of a greater value, working with
complete commitment, devotion and single-mindedness to achieve the objective and
not be tempted by anything. This quality of steadfastness to a higher value
objective inspires and maintains trust with those we interact because our
communication removes selfishness. These actions keep stress levels low and
awareness levels high.
Integrity, or its absence, can take many forms:
- Intellectual integrity: Arrogance, misleading, exaggerating…
- Business integrity: Putting personal interests first, passing the buck, bribing…
- Decision integrity: Not taking cognisance of all inputs, not taking stakeholders into confidence…
- Communication integrity: Hiding critical information, no transparency, etc…
- Process integrity: Not ensuring that process parameters are met…
experiences and situations to help understand…
Exercise: You are a manager and have to
appraise three subordinates; as a result, one may be asked to leave the
company. All are of the same level with minor differences. What will you do?
How will you handle…?
- How will you approach the decision?
- How will you handle the people?
- What is the fear that such an encounter generates?
Share your opinion and
- Is it always possible to maintain a level of integrity?
- How do we maintain integrity in our personal life, like paying taxes?
- How do we teach integrity within our family, especially with our children?
- How do we maintain integrity when we move in society, on the road, at the bus stop, at a restaurant?
- How do we maintain integrity at work, as a superior, subordinate and peer?
- Business integrity; Is it possible to work with integrity with our suppliers & customers?
- Integrity & public life people like politicians, civil servants, police etc; How does it impact Dharma of a nation?