Soucham (cleanliness) consists of Bahirasoucham (Outward
Hygiene) and Antarasoucham (Internal Hygiene).
Outward hygiene: Performance of ablutions regularly, maintaining
a clean body, healthy diet, good lifestyle, company and clean environment are
elements that ensure external cleanliness.
Anecdotes, experiences
and situations to help understand…
Anecdote 1- In India – snanam (bath) in common usage means
wetting the body completely. There are 9 apertures on the body (mouth, eyes
(2), ears (2), nostrils, anus and genitals) and all must be thoroughly cleaned.
The act of water falling on the body + rubbing action of the hands on the body
increases blood flow to the skin resulting in a feeling of freshness and
increased awareness.
Hindu traditions also require awareness of cleanliness at all
levels, so much so that, in certain situations, despite having finished a bath,
the individual has too sprinkle water on oneself while chanting “Apo-hish-ta
may-o-bhuva” ending with “Apo-jana-yatha cha-na.” Apah means water.
Jewish – Tevilah and Niddah
Traditional Judaism divides ritual washing into two categories,
Tevilah (full body immersing- mikva) and Netilat yadayim (washing in a
cup). For certain situations, even the
type of water used is specified in some cases, such as Nisddah can be done with
tap water:
Negel vasser (‘Nail water’): After awakening in the morning or
after a nap, one is expected to wash one’s hands by pouring water over one’s
fingers thrice while reciting a blessing.
Netilat yadayim (‘Raising the hands after ritual washing’) which
is done with a blessing, prior to eating any meal. This is done without
blessing after touching an impure object such as ones private parts, shoes,
animal etc.
Mayim acharonim (‘After-waters’): Washing one’s hands after a
- What cleansing rituals do you follow?
Anecdote 2 - Environmental hygiene is also very important –
Almost all major illnesses which result in lost time and cost come from lack of
awareness of the criticality of self-control. Spitting, defecation, urination
and other practices such as smoking chewing tobacco etc. result in water borne
diseases such as cholera, typhoid, leptospirosis and air borne diseases such as
throat infection etc. Clearly, an individual is responsible, not just for his
own health, but also for the health of his neighbor and society at large.
In 1330s, a plague hit China and spread to Europe in 1347 and by
1351 had reached all corners of Europe and the Middle East. It had the effect
of killing around 35% of Europe’s population (35 million people in 2 yrs).
Overall, it reduced the world’s population from 450 million to between 350 and
375 million. During this time it was noticed that Jews, living in Ghettos, away
from the village suffered lower deaths. This was on account of strict
Rabbinical Laws on cleanliness followed by them. The water that they used was
from wells in their backyard and not community wells, leading to greater
control over bacterial infection. Also, injunctions on personal hygiene and
disposal of waste ensured that the carriers, rats were less likely to infect
the community. This common sense approach, weaved into the form of ritual
protected the people long before antiseptics and theory of germs became
Anecdote 3 - In India, there are strict rules for cleanliness,
especially when eating. Indian’s eat only with the right hand. Eating from
another person’s plate, something that has come in contact with your mouth,
your saliva or your plate is not allowed and called 'jootha' (in North India),
'ushth' (in Western India), 'etho' (in Bengal), 'aitha' (in Orissa), 'echal'
(in Tamil Nadu), 'enjulu' (in Karnataka), or 'engili' (in Andhra Pradesh).
In many parts of India, after touching any food that has been
cooked, one is allowed to touch lacto based ghee, milk, curds etc. only after
washing, to avoid contamination of vegetable with animal products and
It is also normal in many parts of India to separate utensils
for cooking and utensils for eating.
- Do these rituals matter? why?
Share your opinion and experiences
- Is cleanliness an important factor in achieving situational awareness and reduced stress?
- Cleanliness is next to Godliness… why did our ancients say it? How do various societies manage this?
- What are your views on the Indian rules of hygiene? Can soap replace these rules?
- Why is cleanliness given such a high priority in the scheme of self-improvement?
- What is the impact of cleanliness in thinking and improvement?
- Which is better? Toilet paper or water? Why?
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