Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Yama 5B – Mitahaara (Controlled Diet)

Some rules for eating that should be followed are:
Eat in a pleasant atmosphere – For correct absorption, the enzymes need to be thoroughly mixed with the food. In stress, there is an acids and enzyme imbalance resulting in poorer absorption.
Eat at regular intervals – The body needs nourishment at regular intervals. Very often, trapped in the rush of digestion and absorption. Therefore, for maximum efficiency, set time apart for eating, eat in a pleasant location and eat silently or in the company of people one is comfortable with.
Always sit down and eat – When eating, blood is redirected from other parts of the body to the stomach facilitate digestion. When one moves around, then the body is forced to supply blood to other muscles, reducing blood supply around the stomach resulting in poor digestion.
Eat right – Eating should be according to one’s energy requirements. People doing heavy physical labour should eat food that gives them the energy and strength to do the job. People with sedentary jobs must eat appropriately as, young people who need more concentrated nutrition rich food.
Chew the food – Eating is meant to ingest nutrients in the body. Swallowing without chewing makes it harder for the stomach to break down the food for nutrients. Chewing reduces food into manageable portions and ensures proper mixing of saliva, a key element in digestion.
Never eat to a full stomach – The stomach is designed to pulsate in order to move the food inside it to achieve breaking and mixing action. The muscle has some stretching capability in order to do this; but if fully loaded, the mixing action is reduced. Also, there is always some gas in the stomach that needs to be vented. Space in the stomach ensures room for the movement and exhaustion of gas. The recommendation is that one must eat to 75% capacity of the stomach.
Never eat between meals – The stomach is most comfortable handling a single batch of food. Once food enters the stomach, enzymes act on it to begin the digestion process. Partly digested food is then moved into the intestines to complete the process. When food is ingested between meals, the stomach, unable to differentiate between old and new food either adds enzymes or moves food out,  defeating the purpose of eating… to provide nutrition. Leave at least 3 hours between meals.
The water balance – 85% of the human body constitutes water. Imbalance of this critical constituent will lead to illness as water is the base for blood, enzymes, hormones and acts as shock absorber. Water imbalance can cause a variety of illness like fatigue, kidney stones, constipation etc.
  • Drink at least 2 litres of water every day.
  • Sip warm water. It massages the stomach muscles and aids digestion.
  • Usha Panam (morning drink): Drink water on an empty stomach. As soon as we awaken, we should drink at least 2 glasses of water, slowly. This will flush the entire alimentary canal and keep it clean.
Share your opinion and experiences
  • How do you eat? Do you follow any discipline?
  • How much water do you drink?
  • Do you eat junk food regularly?
  • Do you eat prefer alone or with others? How does it affect your eating?

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